Archive for the ‘Google Summer of Code’ Category


The final bits of GSoC

September 16, 2007

I am now considering finalized my work on the GSoC project (from now on call it voluntary work… ;)). After a lot of bug fixing and some documentation, I am releasing the 1.0 version of both NestedSortables jQuery plugins. Please, visit the plugins’ homepage to check out and comment on the documentation. I have compiled the scripts into compressed format and they are now about 75% smaller, and will download pretty fast.

After a lot of helpful comments from folks at the WP-Hackers list, I improved a few details in the WordPress page ordering. I also managed to fix all the remaining problems I mentioned in my last post (more about them later on), so I believe it is now ready to be rolled out in the development version. To try it out, you can check my sandbox (user: test / pass: test), download the development version of WordPress with it (up-to-date as of 19-Sep 2007 16-Sep-2007 WP from trunk), or apply it to your own working copy of WordPress from SVN trunk using this patch (you will probably also need this image, which I think can’t be included in the patch). I will submit the patch to the WordPress TRAC. I hope it gets reviewed and accepted.

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First showcase of page sorting in WordPress

September 3, 2007

I have finished the integration of the nested sortable widget into WordPress. I have set up a Sandbox WordPress installation, which can be accessed here (use test/test for login, go to “Manage->Pages”, and click “Edit Page Order” in the end of the page list). I have also put up a diff file (untested), which can be applied to your WordPress SVN checkout if you want to try it out on your own instalation (Automattic folks, don’t apply this yet to the WordPress SVN, there are a few details left to be solved, such as compressing the JS code and others, as I explain bellow).

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The widget is feature complete now

August 25, 2007

UPDATE: The plugin has now reached its 1.0 version, and is available in a compressed version and with documentation. Please check the project homepage at:

The widget is feature complete now and working well with the major browsers I have tested it (that is, FF2, IE7, IE6 and Safari 3). It took a little bit of hacking to remove the bugs in IE, but in Safari it worked like a charm the first time I tried it (and Safari is also the browser where it looks and feels faster – they probably have the best JavaScript interpreter out there). I changed a few things in the underlying Nested Sortable plugin, so it should be a lot faster now, in all browsers. The test demo can be seen here as usual and is now up-to-date with my latest SVN updates.

Serialization will, by default, send the data using POST and encoding the data using the “query string standard” , which most server side languages should automatically convert to their equivalent data structures for arrays and hashes. You can also configure the widget to return the data in JSON format (for that you need to include the JSON jQuery pluing) and process it in your server using one of the countless JSON libraries available. Following the REST principles under the HTTP protocol, if the HTTP response has a success code the widget will think data was saved correctly. You can even use the same server path (ie. the same script) to retrieve and save the data, since it will use GET to retrieve and POST to save.

I am aware that the “incremental” feature (showcased in the last example) does have a few problems when you change the item from one “page” to the next (even though you see things in a continuum , what you see is actually the different pages, each inside its own UL with a NestedSortable, being rendered in sequence). I am also aware there is a minor cosmetic issue with the spacing of columns in IE6. I am not much of a CSS browser quircks’ wizard and “incremental” shouldn’t be used in WordPress, I presume, so I am going to leave those issues to be solved after the Widget is integrated in WordPress.

If you find any other bugs or have more suggestions, please post a comment.


New Improvements in the Widget

August 21, 2007

Following Mike’s suggestions, I am now using jQuery’s slideIn() and slideOut() as the default effect for page transitions. They are being applied in parallel (the old page slides out while the next slides in). To make this change I had to do some changes to the way different parts of the widget are displayed, I believe things are “jumping up” a lot less when you change from one page to the other. I also added the possibility for the user to use his own custom functions for the transition, which can be applied in parallel or in series.

I have also added the “incremental” option, which will make the new pages that are loaded be incremented to the existing ones in the user display. This is usable by itself. My intention was to allow the user to display the list inside a scrollable div to go along with this option, but after a few tests, I am seeing the dimensions stored in the Sortables would need to be recalculated every time you scroll the div, and I am afraid making this work seamlessly could take some time and possible changes to Interface’s Sortables itself. It would probably be unbearably slow as well.

I changed the demo to showcase these and also a lot of other options that are available. The demo will now load 5 different instances of the widget.

It can be seen here.


Nested Sortable Widget

August 19, 2007

UPDATE:  The plugin has now reached its 1.0 version, and is available in a compressed version and with documentation. Please check the project homepage at:

I am posting a demo of what I am calling the Nested Sortable Widget here.

In this example I am only showing a small subset of the possible configuration options it has. The component/widget is basically finished, but there is still a tiny bug in IE when you drag items with more than one hierarchy, which I am going to investigate soon. The “save” function also need a few extra hours of work to be finished, but that doesn’t affect the demo. Reports for any other bugs are welcome.

The main features of the component are:

  • Loads data from a JSON data source, with a predefined format (I will explain it once I create the final doc. for the widget, but it is very simple and can be inferred from the demo) . This format is very compact and very easy to generate and manipulate in any server side language, since it only uses standard data structures, like arrays and hashes, unlike XML.
  • Support for pagination, both in the server (it will only load smaller chunks of data each time) and in the client (it will display smaller chunks of data at a time).
  • Funky way to move items from one page to another, following Mike’s suggestion.
  • Can display data with multiple columns, all you have to do is change your data source.
  • Allows you to change the nesting direction to right to left, and it will change the order of the columns automatically.
  • Lots and lots of easy options to to customize the visual appearance of the widget and most of it other aspects. Don’t worry, I will document them all (or you may dig in the code and figure it out now :)).

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August 8, 2007

I am currently working on the “Nested Sortable Widget” that I mentioned in the last post. I wanted to be able to showcase it in this post already, but I realized I was taking too long to give out some feedback, so I decided to write just to give some news.

The widget is almost complete, but I am running some issues with pagination, which is a lot more complex than I initially thought, primarily because you can’t show exactly the same number of items per page, due to the nesting (the pagination needs to be “soft”). But I think I am on my way and should be complete in the next 2 or 3 days. Summing up it will be able to fetch a list of nested elements represented in JSON, will display it, allow the user to change the order/nesting and will send it back to the server.

In the meanwhile I created a Google Code project for the NestedSortable plugin and hosted it there.

I hope to be able to write again pretty soon, with good news!


Nested Sortable jQuery Plugin

July 22, 2007

UPDATE: The plugin has now reached its 1.0 version, and is available in a compressed version and with documentation. Please check the project homepage at:

I am showing now the first version of what I call the “Nested Sortable” jQuery plugin. It is based on the same nesting idea shown on the previous prototypes and used on the bbPress forum ordering, but it is totally rewritten and has a very different (and I believe simpler/more efficient) inner working.

A demo of it can be seen here.

The highlights of it are:

  • Built on top of Interface ‘s Sortable and maintains compatibility with it. This means you can use the same options available on the Sortable, plus a few extra ones specific to the nesting. You can also mix Sortables and NestedSortables on the same page.
  • Just as easy to use (see the code examples on the demo).
  • Can be easily configured for left-to-right or right-to-left nesting.
  • Can be used with any type of HTML element (that allows nesting), not only ULs and LIs.
  • You can define a class for the nesting the draggable is currently hovering on, to make it clearer to the user (see my ugly yellow example – could be made pretty with some css styling).
  • All the previous bugs/misbehaviours with the prototype are gone (hopefully without additional ones being introduced).

It was tested under IE7 and FF2. What is still lacking for it to be complete (and useable) is a serialization function, which I should finish in a few days (serialization is now complete, see my comment bellow). As things evolve I should probably add a few callbacks to allow its behavior to be easily configured.

So, the next step for the WordPress page list project is to create a higher level jQuery plugin that will be built on top of this one and will, given a JSON object input, fetched via AJAX, dynamically create the Nested Sortable, with pagination support, using the idea Mike gave on the last comment (the user hovers over a Droppable, which should fetch and display the additional pages). It will be more like a widget.


More advances

July 10, 2007

First things first: I made some updates in the prototype. It now works as expected, allowing you to make a page a child of another page which doesn’t have children yet.

I also show in it what I think is the best way of handling pagination. The idea is to display an item from the main hierarchy before and another one after the items that belongs to the current page, in the ordering view. If the before/after main hierarchy item has children, all of its children should be displayed as well. In the demo, my before and after main hierarchy items are child less, therefore the “items bellow this” and “items above this” markers show up after one item, but that would vary. I did a lot thinking into this and think this is the only (and simpler) way you can move main items from one page into the other, without having “dark spots” (elements that are “stuck” in a page).

In trying to understand what was making nesting not working in the prototype, I had to dissect the Interface plugin code for the Draggables, Dropables and Sortables. I found the code pretty cluttered and hard to understand, filled up with variables with names such as “oC”, “oD”, “a”. In fact, almost no variables have meaningful, unabridged names. I had to do a lot of debugging, using Firebug. The code is very coupled as well as, for instance, you have calls to the Sortables plugin being made from the Draggable and Dropable (you would expect the Draggables and Dropables, as lower level elements, to be unaware of the Sortables existance). I didn’t like the code, but at least I understand it now.

Meanwhile, I found out the the jQuery team (John Resig, the creator, included) are creating an official, brand new set of UI plugins for jQuery. It is called jQuery UI. I wonder why they decided to skip Interface all together. It was not released yet, but already have working Draggables, Dropables and Sortables. I checked it out from SVN, looked at its code and tested it. The code is a great step foward from what I saw in Interface. Much cleaner, commented, well organized and easy to understand. Impressively, it also looks like they managed to keep it a lot smaller (30kB against 46kB of Interface’s). The coupling problem I mentioned doesn’t exist, as they created a generic callback in the Dragabble (called dropBehaviour), that the Sortable implements. That way, I could, for instance, create a brand new Sortable-like plugin, without having to modify Draggable’s or Dropable’s code. They seem to be tackling the “Sortable with Hierachy” problem as well, and have some partially working demos for it, in their test files.

Regarding the server side implementation, I am leaning towards passing the javascript a JSON representation of the page list, instead of generating the whole UL list in the server side. I think it will make things much more reusable, in both ways (reusing the javacript and the server side script). It will also download a lot faster for the client. I was thinking of using a JSON like this:

"columns":["Title(ID)", "Owner", "Updated"],
"info":["My Title(1)", "My Owner", "My Date"],
"info":["My Title(2)", "My Owner", "My Date"],
"info":["My Title(3)", "My Owner", "My Date"],

In this example we have a parent page which has two children.  It doesn’t look so good because I can’t indent the code to display it here. I already implemented it on the prototype, so now, instead of loading the page list from an file with HTML and just displaying it, it loads a file with JSON and processes it to create the HTML on the fly. The JSON file for the prototype can be seen here: list_demo_json.js  The JSON file has 2kB, versus 6kB for the HTML with the exact same data.


Demo of the AJAX table swap

June 29, 2007

As promised, I am posting a static demo of the legacy page list being replaced, via AJAX, by its sortable version.  It can be seen here. With this approach, we won’t have to mess too much with the WordPress core and will have a very similar functionality to the one proposed before.

Summarizing,  we will have an AJAX call fetch the sortable version of the list (made with ULs and DIVs) when the user presses “Edit Page Order”. Alternatively, we could send this list already in the initial page fetch, and keep it stored in a variable, until the user pressed the button. We now need a “Cancel” button, because the user may want to return to the default view of the list without committing the page ordering changes. In the previous version we didn’t need the “Cancel” button, because everything that could be done with the page list could also be done when “drag” was enabled.

The look of the whole thing is still very rough. I think the sortable version shouldn’t have the “actions” column, and probably won’t need the “drag handle”, making the whole item draggable. They were essential in the previous version, but for this one, as the only function the sortable list will have is sorting, those things are pointless.

The sortable page list should probably have a more distinct appearance, making it easier to tell from the default page list. Also, the “standard” AJAX animations, informing the user something is being loaded, should also be included.

Another approach I have been thinking of, way more radical, would be generating the sortable version of the list from the legacy one, in realtime, using javascript, by interpreting the legacy list. It wouldn’t be very hard, as jQuery makes it very easy to search for things in HTML. The advantage would be not needing to mess with the page list php code at all and not having to load anything via AJAX (it would be faster for the user). But I think it would couple the code too much, and future changes in the table could break it. Even if that wasn’t the case, it feels too quick and dirty to me.

There are still some bugs in the sortable list (adding a page as a child of another who has no children yet is not working). Also, other ugly things are not treated (eg. the user could click twice in the Edit, before the list is loaded). But this is still a prototype. 😉

In the next two weeks, before “Mid-Term”, I should dedicate 24 hours a day to the project (with some occasional time for the bathroom and some junk food), so expect things to go much faster from now on. Unfortunately, here in Brazil it is winter and our vacations and shorter. Mine are only starting now and my college is very demanding, specially in the last weeks of the semester.


A dreadful week

June 23, 2007

This week is my last week for the college semester and I am really overwhelmed with the amount of reports and tests I have to deliver and study for. So I will leave a more detailed progress report to be posted next week. From next week on I will finally be on vacations, and I am planning to dive deep into the project.

For now, what I can say is that the path of dynamically reloading the page list, with AJAX, when the user presses “Edit Page Order”, as pointed out in the comments in my last post, seems to be the best. I plan on posting a working demo of that next week, as soon as college gets off my back for a while.